Fran Magazine invites you celebrate Middlemarch May™, a month-long read of George Eliot’s Middlemarch. You don’t have to be a paid subscriber, you don’t even have to be A subscriber, but if you want to join tens (?) of people reading Middlemarch, then it might help to be here so you can chat.
I am reading the Penguin Classics Deluxe version, with the intro by Rebecca Mead who also wrote a different Middlemarch book. We’ll get to that later in the year.
Consider this a friendly reminder to start Middlemarch so we can talk about the first two sections next Monday. In the meantime, consider saying hi to your fellow Marchers (??) in the comments by:
Introducing yourself
Answering any of the following questions…
Have you read Middlemarch before?
Have you read any George Eliot before?
What was the last gigantic book you read?
What is your favorite “““classic””” novel?
More soon. For now, get to reading!!
My name is Steve and I am Fran's Dad. I never read Middlemarch, but I read Silas Marner as a high school freshman; that was 50 years ago. I love to read classics for fun. I recently bought an anthology if 200 classics from 200 authors for my Kindle that I am frankly afraid to download. I recently read an anthology of Thomas Hardy's works. Very bleak. I have still have nightmares after a specific chapter from Jude the Obscure.
Howdy, I’m Tessa. I read Middlemarch about 5 years ago (no other George Eliot though) so won’t be rereading but merely ~living vicariously~ through you all. What a treat! The last Big Book I read was probably The Golden Notebook. Favorite classic novel is The Age of Innocence, baybeeeeee!! For what it’s worth, I also think “Middlemarch May” sounds punchier than “MiddleMarch.”