thank you for Radnor-posting

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Carnival of the Animals is the perfect vehicle to teach toddlers ballet foundations, including pas de cheval 🐎 Camille must have been the predominant Horse Girl of his time.

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It's a timeless piece for good reason!

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Small world! The December CSO concert Monica and I went to had Carnival Overture by Dvorak (love), Symphony No. 4 by Brahms (super love), and [redacted instrument] Concerto No. 3 by Saint-Saens. I was so eager to listen to Dvorak and Brahms that I didn't do any prep listening to Saint-Seans so I was ultimately pretty underwhelmed by his concerto (and I don't ~love~ hearing [redacted instrument] for 20+ minutes). I enjoyed what I listened to of Phaeton much more. Thank you for sharing.

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