waking up early but clare of substack's Famous and Beloved Newsletter will be in the city of New York - the gives and the takes of October 2024

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I can't wait to be sitting across a table and discussing The Brutalist with clare from Substack

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Sep 12Liked by Fran Hoepfner


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Sep 12Liked by Fran Hoepfner

Have you or Phil read or seen anything about Suburban Fury? That’s my under-the-radar pick for “Movie that will be really awesome this year.” Last year’s was Close Your Eyes.

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It's on my slate but I haven't read up too much outside of knowing the general premise. Looking forward though

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

I didn’t love Hellraiser but you can do it Fran!

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

Re Steven Knight — I recently learned that he is one of the co-creators of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Is this story apocryphal? Does this go a long way toward explaining his demented body of work?

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wow! I had no idea. if I was that rich from making a show that popular, I would not be working half as hard as he does, which.... honestly makes me like him more lol

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

“Unburdening myself from the tyranny of “caring about the plot” is one of the greatest things I’ve done for myself as a viewer and reader.”

I have also done this, and it’s so awesome until I try to recommend a movie or book to someone and they say “what’s it about?” because I have completely lost the ability to answer that question, if I ever possessed it to begin with (doubtful!!).

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I do think the worst thing I've done more than once is when someone asks "what's it about?" and I instinctively go "who cares!!!!" :(

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I like what I’ve heard about Happyend, and the Carax of course. Have you or Phil taken the Wang Bing challenge

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I have Happyend on my schedule... the Carax will be a game-time decision. I love Annette but turned off Holy Motors, etc. and I feel like more than most I can get kinda ornery about whatever he's up to.

Phil saw last year's Wang Bing; I feel bad to have missed last year because I chose the Wiseman over it in terms of what I could allot four hours to, and that Wiseman... eh, has not left me with much. I also learned after seeing Bas Devos's Here (now on Criterion - I really enjoyed) that its co-lead Liyo Gong edited Young (Spring) though I don't think she came back for these other two. not really a make or break point, just a cool person... I have both of his on my schedule for this year, barring I can pick up where the first one left off and not feel too out of sorts but we'll see.

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I’m at about 50% on the overall Wiseman corpus so I just updated my rankings and Menus-Plaisir is near the bottom. I really like what I’ve heard about Youth (Spring) and hope to catch up with the whole trilogy by the time they’re officially released

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

fran mugazine!!! 🫡🫡

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

you got this fran 💪

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

i commented before finishing the post, so let me also say that i shudder to think that pablo larrain is at it again

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I feel almost guilty for not seeing his movie last year that imagined Pinochet as a vampire (? literal)... maybe will squeeze in before Maria. I am a Jackie defender and a Spencer skeptic though I actually kinda love his Neruda biopic. I hope he never stops!

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

Sending positive energy towards your early bird transition! Have you seen any of Jem Cohen’s work?? His new one is premiering.. it’s described as similar in style to his Museum Hours (2013), which makes me weep like a little baby. I’m pumped

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I've had Museum Hours on my watchlist for literal years at this point - maybe this is the fall I finally get around to it. I'm excited for his new one... may have to catch outside of press screenings because otherwise I'd have a four-screening day (running the same day as Maria & Rumours... and The Damned, which I'm a bit curious about). but I do wanna catch it!

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

Museum Hours is a total cold weather watch so you have nothing but time

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

Re. watching earlier Jias, I'm sure this is on your radar already but supposedly Tides is in direct conversation with Still Life (which I found both excellent and fairly accessible while recovering from medium-bad COVID earlier in the year) and Unknown Pleasures (which is totally inaccessible to me in the UK but maybe on Criterion??) if that helps

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I knew in convo with Still Life but didn't realize Unknown Pleasures too (and yes, it is available stateside on Criterion). Good to know ahead of time! I'm hoping to watch Ash is the Purest White if I can squeeze in this weekend too.

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Sep 11Liked by Fran Hoepfner

Also (long time reader, first time commenter) it's primarily Fran Magazine that convinced me to pay the extra too much money for a crummy seat at the UK Hard Truths premiere, you should do affiliate links!

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I do for books sometimes but really, paid subscriptions are plenty!!!

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I currently have a very thick pair of festival rec specs affixed to my face, but after last night I am fairly convinced Brady Corbet has gotten smart. The Brutalist is thuddingly obvious, but, somehow, despite the subject matter, immensely fun?

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Your favorable review tipped me over the edge into full-blown interest (I know festival specs come for us all but I've always found your festival takes pretty discerning!!)

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Glad to hear I have that level of influence! Most surprising is the discovery that Felicity Jones Has It.

Also just remembered the John Smith (who I think is another Phil favorite?) short is in Currents, that's another of the very best films here. The other one is Measures of a Funeral which I think is a Canada exclusive for now but very intensely about grad school.

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I feel like I've long believed Felicity Jones has it but only from her appearance on Girls and nothing else... and good to know re: Measures of a Funeral, seems really up my alley

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What about the Almodovar?

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I'm more hit and miss on him than many, and I really wasn't crazy about the book the film is based on. That said, I am approaching with an open heart and mind <3

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